A Wonderful Experience

On the evening of Tuesday, May 30th, 2000, I had the great privilege of having an interview with Narayani Amma after Amma conducted the beautiful puja service in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. During my interview with Amma, I was so much at ease. It seemed like I had been reunited with someone I had dearly loved for a long, long time.
Amma gave me the most brilliant and beautiful smile. There was so much love and divine energy in the room. Amma’s eyes were filled with love, Amma's nature, Amma's whole being was LOVE. Amma very lovingly asked me my name, although I am sure Amma knew. Amma looked into my eyes and said, “What do you want?” I replied, “Amma, all I want is your love and blessings and with God’s grace may I do everything right in life.” Amma was laughing playfully and Amma affirmed, “You will do everything right in life and you have my blessings.”
Then Amma asked, “What do you do?” I was a little startled and I asked whether Amma wanted to know what I did in my personal life or what my profession was. Amma said, “Your profession.” I told Amma about the Corporate Organization I work for and my position in this organization. I also told Amma that I was not very happy in this department and wanted to move on to another area.
Amma said, “Be patient, everything will work out.” Amma is so playful and so sweet, Amma is full of love. I asked Amma to autograph a picture for me. Amma gladly obliged and said, “Get me a pen.” A young man was standing outside Amma’s room and I asked him for a pen. I took it to Amma, Amma looked at it, smiled and said, “This is a pencil, I need a pen.” So I went to the young man again and this time he gave me a pen.
I gave it to Amma, but it would not write because the picture was glossy. Amma laughed and said, “Get a marker, it would work better.” So this time I asked the young man for a marker. He gave me a marker which I gave to Amma. Amma nodded this time and signed "Amma" on one of the pictures for me. Amma signed “With Love, Amma". I was allowed to touch Amma's lotus feet, Amma blessed me and I left Amma's room feeling elated and loved.
When Amma was leaving Calgary, I said to Amma, “Amma you have stolen my heart, when will you come again.” Amma said, “Amma is with you always, Amma is not going anywhere, call on my name and I am with you always.” I said to Amma, “Amma, I know you are with me in spirit always, but when can we see your human form again in Calgary.”
Amma, started to laugh and Amma would not tell me when. Instead Amma blessed me and handed me a flower. During my time in meditation, whenever I am contemplating along with the Supreme Being I believe in, Amma too comes in my thoughts. I know Amma is with me always. Amma is ever protecting and guiding me.