Here is a brief selection of some of beloved Ammas teachings. A more complete selection of discourses can be sourced in Ammas Connect With the Divine series
Book 1-10

Acceptance (18th Dec' 2005)
In one village, there was a businessman who was really devoted. Every day before he started..

Self Control
One must pray and be one with God in order to experience peace and joy. If one probes into...

Among the scriptures in the Hindu Religion, the Epic “Mahabharatha” is considered ...

The Greatest Devotion is One
There was once a town in India that had a very large temple. Many people went to this temple...

Accumulation of Wealth
Once upon a time, there lived in a city two brothers. They were very good brothers...

Tamil New Year's Day Discourse - April 14th, 2001
In this world, the greatest number of festivals is celebrated in India. Many look at it as...

Bringing in the New
Each and every year there are many functions and celebrations. Why is it necessary to have ..

Deepavali cleanses the body and mind. Out of the several billions of life forms that call...

What is the purpose of celebrating the festivals like New Year’s or Christmas? There are a lot ...

Divine Management
As Amma mentioned, you are all Amma’s angels. You should know this because people...

Pongal Festival
“This Pongal is a Holy day when people convey their gratitude to Mother Nature for her...
Bhakti (Devotion)
A Pathway to Joy
Every human being in this world wants to live a life of joy without any difficulties. However...

What is Bhakti? Bhakti is Devotion. There are many ways of showing devotion to God i.e....

Once upon a time, there was a king ruling a small kingdom. He was very pious and ruled..

Faith & Devotion
Hundreds of years ago there were hardly any temples, but people would make an attempt...

Four Stages of Life
In the human life there are four stages:
(1) GURUKULAM from birth to 25years...

Path of Prayer
For us human beings peace of mind is essential in order to function and to conduct our day ...

Human Life is Great Life
Human life is a great life. Why? There are many other forms of life, why is the human life...

Thazham Poo :Rare Flower
Among many flower plants in the world, there is in India an extremely and pleasantly ...

Wisdom can win over Destiny
What is destiny? It is very often said that based on the wrong past actions of man, man will...

Spirituality - The Guru
Spirituality is important for everyone, however to avoid confusion, a person must genuinely...

Importance of Guru
In our lives, at every stage, each and every one of us requires assistance or help...

Sound Dec 20 '05
Sound is very important for the human life. The moment you come from your Mothe...

Whenever we pray we recite mantras (prayers in the Sanskrit language) either inwardl...

Nama Smaranam
Once upon a time there lived a great sage who traveled far and wide spreading the message...

The Vedas 28th Dec '05
As Amma already told, chants are the voice of the divine. They are the breath of the divine...

Amma asks: “What is puja”? Devotees respond: “Offerings to God”. Amma agrees and invites...

So on this day Amma is talking about Karma. Each and everything that ever happens in...

Ceiling on Desires
Every human being would like to live a peaceful and happy life. However no matter how hard...

Everyone has many commitments but the most important and necessary commitments can...

Self Realisation
Each and everyone’s happiness and sorrow is directly attributed to the respective...

Remembering God
When a baby is born in a person’s life, one of the very first ritual is choosing a name..

Tsunami & Other Natural Disasters
When people deviate from dharma (righteousness; path of good thoughts...

In our society, whatever is the crime, murder, robbery etc., they happen mainly at night....

July 2005 Full Moon Puja Discourse
There was a man who was a great devotee, who did all the rituals and payers to God....

Patience for the grace of God
There are millions of flowers on this earth but all of them do not have the honour and...

A test for Amma
In this world, there are a lot of creations. Of all those creations, the human birth is blessed...

No need to worry
If the divine decides to give, no one can stop it. If our wish is not in the divine’s plan...

Pournami Day Full Moon May 12th '06
Every one of us expects only happiness in life without having to worry about any thing....

There are several ways to attain God. All religions in the world aim at only attaining...

In every town, village or city there are lots of temples and places of worship....

Why is Amma creating Sri Puram? What is its purpose? There are a lot of needs in the...

The Rusty Iron
There are people who are doing bad things. Why are they doing bad things even though...

The two types of People
Generally when we talk about people, we split them into two categories. First, we say they...

The two types of Wishes
There are people with two types of wishes. Number one, there are people who wish to...

The Devas
A person, however intelligent he may be, how ever knowledgeable he may be, how ever big...

The Diamond & the Mustard seed
The diamond is very famous. Everyone knows about diamonds. They are very precious...

The fruit of Knowledge & Wisdom
In a village there was an old businessman. The businessman would start his day only after...

Today is the Solution for the Future
There are a lot of people in the world who are worried about the future. Oh, they ask,...

Utilize your capabilities
Among all living beings, human beings are the most gifted. It is because they have the...