Green Sakthi
Environmental Activism
Green Sakthi was borne out of Sri Sakthi Amma’s great love for nature. Green Sakthi is a non-profit environmental program that grows and plants trees, manages 2 tons of waste each day with its Zero-Waste Management Program, and educates local school kids on all things about Mother Earth. Green Sakthi is a collective committed to deepening the relationship between people and nature.
In Vedic culture, Nature is the Divine, and the Divine is Nature. It is Nature that provides sustenance for all beings in the form of medicine, shelter, food, and clothing. By caring for Nature, we are caring for all beings on this planet.
Green Sakthi reflects a holistic approach to preserving and loving Nature and a concerted effort to counteract global warming by initiating massive tree-planting projects, growing saplings from seed, donating trees locally, zero waste management, recycling, supplying clean drinking water to villages and schools, creating the richest compost we know of, as well as environmental education for children, our future.